San Jose married couple accused of running crack house

 Tri Pham and his wife Jenny Pham, both of San Jose, are accused of running a crack house.

A San Jose couple has been accused of running a crack cocaine operation following a raid on their alleged drug houses, authorities said.

The San Jose Police Department's Metro Unit carried out a months-long narcotics investigation where they discovered that Tri Pham, 51, and his wife, Jenny Pham, 46, were allegedly operating a drug house. According to a news release, the drug operation involved manufacturing, transporting, and selling crack cocaine.


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Search warrants were executed at three properties linked to the Phams in the 1100 block of Bendmill Way and 100 block of Maro Drive.

During the searches, officers seized 37 pounds of cocaine, 17 pounds of crack cocaine base, 50 Xanax pills, several firearms, and $120,000 in cash. Investigators said the street value of the cocaine is $2 million.