Santa Clara Convention Center now a field hospital, caring for patients with COVID-19

The Santa Clara Convention Center has now been transformed into a field hospital and the first two COVID-19 patients with less-acute symptoms are being treated there.

This is one of California' s first field respite centers with doctors, nurses, paramedics and pharmacists, who can care for as many as 250 patients. 

Michael Clark, Santa Clara County Emergency Operation Center section chief, told KTVU that the county had hel from the state and federal governments in getting the site up and running. 

The National Guard has been delivering beds, supplies, and medicine.

Patients will only be admitted there if another facility refers them and that would open up space at other hospitals, county-wide, for more seriously ill patients.

The San Mateo County Event Center is also being turned into such a center, as is The Craneway Pavilion in Richmond. 

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