Santa Clara County officials to hold public meeting to discuss baby changing stations

Santa Clara County officials are coming together to hold a public outreach meeting about a proposed ordinance that would bring more baby changing stations to unincorporated areas.

The ordinance is expected to be heard by the county's Board of Supervisors for consideration in the spring, according to county officials.

The ordinance would require baby changing stations be installed in all new buildings with restroom facilities in public use areas and that the stations be available to all genders, county officials said.

It would also apply to new or altered bathrooms in existing buildings with restroom facilities in public use areas.

The proposed ordinance came about because baby changing stations are found mostly in female restrooms in the county and not other areas accessible to other users.

"This practice reinforces gender-based stereotypes concerning childcare responsibilities, imposes barriers for others to care for their children's basic needs and may contribute to unsanitary conditions," the ordinance states.

The event is set to take place on March 8, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the County Government Center Isaac Newton Senter Auditorium located at 70 W. Hedding St. 

One representative from the Santa Clara County Planning Division, one representative from the county Building Division, and two representatives from the Office of Women's Policy will lead a discussion with an opportunity for public comments, county officials said. 

Those who wish to weigh in on the proposed ordinance but cannot attend the meeting can send comments, questions, and/or feedback to or no later than March 31.
