Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith will not seek re-election

Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith

Laurie Smith, the embattled sheriff of Santa Clara County, announced she will not seek re-election when her term expires in January.

Smith has been sheriff for 24 years, and was the first woman to be elected sheriff in California. But her tenure has been plagued by scandals.

"This job will never be finished and it is with some regret that I announce my retirement from service at the end of my term in January of 2023. My decision not to run for reelection was very difficult," Smith said in a statement. "There is much still to do, but the interests of the people of our County must continue to be our first priority."

In announcing her retirement, Smith criticized the news media for its coverage of her administration. 

"The truth and evidence is absolutely clear. I have always served the people of Santa Clara County and have never engaged in any behavior that would warrant the media animus, false legal narrative, or political attacks currently in the public domain," said Smith. "I have always dismissed these attacks for what they are - specious attempts by unsavory political opponents in retribution for serving the public with honor."

There has been a bribery criminal investigation which resulted in three indictments of two of Smith's top aides and a campaign fundraiser, and a play-to-pay scandal relating to $300,000 in union contributions for her 2018 re-election

In December, a civil grand jury accused her of corrupt misconduct. The state attorney general's office last month launched an investigation into Smith as well. Elected officials, including San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo have previously called for her to resign