Santa Rosa kitchen fire kills dog, displaces family

The aftermath of a kitchen fire in Santa Rosa that left a family displaced.

A kitchen fire that escalated killed a dog and caused $150,000 worth of damage in a Santa Rosa residential neighborhood Sunday afternoon, according to fire officials.

According to the Santa Rosa Fire Department, its crews were alerted to a structure fire in the 600 block of Cordelia Drive. They learned from multiple callers that a kitchen was on fire.

Dog found unresponsive

What we know:

Upon arrival, crews they found a single-story duplex home in flames. Firefighters had to cut holes in the roof to contain the fire, that was reportedly done around 20 minutes.

Firefighters found an unresponsive small adult dog inside. They tried to revive it but the dog eventually succumbed to its injuries.

The fire department said that despite the animal's demise, six other dogs, mostly puppies, were rescued by residents.

Fire not suspicious

What they're saying:

Crews said the fire destroyed all contents inside the residence, while an attached neighboring structure had minor smoke damage.

Fire investigators said the blaze was not suspicious in nature, but it is still under investigation.   

Family displaced

What they're saying:

A GoFundMe page was created on behalf of the family, a mother and two children, who were displaced by the fire to help them rebuild.

"While we are grateful that she and her kids made it out safely, they tragically lost their beloved dog and every single possession they owned," according to the GoFundMe page. "As if this weren’t heartbreaking enough, this comes on the heels of multiple hardships. Just two years ago, she lost her husband and had to rebuild her life from the ground up."

Santa Rosa