Several arrested for March King City mass shooting, Soledad double homicide
Four people were killed and three wounded in a shooting at a house party in King City, Calif. on March 3, 2024.Photo: KION (KTVU FOX 2)
KING CITY, Calif. - The Monterey County Sheriff's Office said Thursday that a double homicide near Soledad in February and a deadly mass shooting in King City in March were connected.
On March 3, 11 people were shot at a birthday party in the 200 block of Second Street in King City, with four killed and seven injured. On Feb. 4, two cousins were shot and killed along Los Coches Road just outside Soledad.
According to the Sheriff's office, there have been several arrests and gathered leads that connected both cases.
The Sheriff's Office said its deputies, along with King City police, have served over 50 search warrants. On Thursday, they executed additional search warrants in the 200 block of Sixth Street and the 3000 block of 11th Street in Greenfield.
"There have been several ancillary arrests related to these crimes as investigators work towards solving these murders. Several persons of interest have been generated and all leads are being investigated," the Sheriff's Office said.
Authorities said the suspects have gang affiliations.
"While we can confirm the suspects in this case have gang connections, the Sheriff's Office cannot stress enough the innocence of all victims," the law enforcement agency said.
There were no further details released about the cases' development.
Those with information about the investigation into both cases are encouraged to contact Monterey County Sheriff's Det. Arras Wilson at (831) 759-7203; King City police Sgt. J. Partida at (831) 537-8415 or Det. Sergeant Nicholas Kennedy of the Monterey County Sheriff's Violent Crimes Unit at (831) 755-3773.