SF firefighter arrested after Oakland man shot over puppy breeding dispute

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Off-duty San Francisco firefighter booked into jail, accused of shooting at man

A man accuses an off-duty San Francisco firefighter of shooting at him, leaving behind a graze wound and his car riddled with bullet holes. The shooting happened in Oakland. The victim said he was in business with the firefighter. The firefighter was arrested and booked into Santa Rita Jail where he is being held.

A San Francisco firefighter was booked into jail, accused of shooting at an Oakland man while he was driving in his car Sunday afternoon: The two knew each other and were involved in a financial dispute over breeding puppies.

According to Alameda County records, Byron Pointer, 29 – who was off duty at the time –  is being held on several charges including destroying and concealing evidence, assault with a firearm, shooting at a vehicle and receiving stolen property. 
The fire department said it is reviewing this incident in coordination with Oakland police, which is investigating this case.

KTVU has learned Pointer has been with the San Francisco Fire Department for less than a year. 

The shooting victim, Michael Johnson, said he's lucky the bullets didn't kill him. 

On Monday, he showed a KTVU crew his bullet-riddled silver Audi and the wounds on his body. 

"The bullet that hit me right here," he said, pointing to his neck. "I would have died. It came through right there, came through the head rest. That was where I was sitting at."  

Johnson said he was shot at by Bryon Pointer, the off-duty firefighter.  Johnson said he and Pointer was doing business together: breeding puppies and selling them in Oakland.

"Being shot by a firefighter, that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard of," Johnson said. "They're supposed to be saving lives, not shooting up your car.  Being shot in the neck, being robbed at gunpoint.

Johnson also shared cell phone video that he took of Pointer when they met at a parking lot in Emeryville Sunday around 11 a.m. 
Johnson said they met so he could give Pointer the paperwork for three puppies.

"He smacked it out of my hand, and he had a gun in his other hand," Johnson said. He added that Pointer was supposed to pay him $5,500 through an app. 
Instead, the 45-year-old said Pointer robbed him at gunpoint took off.

Johnson said he followed Pointer to his home and called 911.

Johnson said police instructed him to meet officers a few blocks away from Pointer's home.

Oakland and Emeryville police responded and that Emeryville police officers told him it was a civil matter and left.

"They refused to talk to him at all," Johnson said.

As he was driving away, Johnson said he received a message from Pointer asking him why he was in his neighborhood.

Johnson said as he was driving pass Pointer's home, Pointer fired 6-7 shots at Johnson's car.      

Johnson said he first met Pointer at a car wash in April when Pointer saw Johnson and his dog. That's how they agreed to breed dogs together.

Johnson said he trusted Pointer because he was a firefighter, but said he's now "terrified" for his safety.

"A person who does this is capable of anything. I want him to stay in jail. He tried to kill me," said Johnson.

A KTVU crew went to Pointer's home in Oakland. Two women answered the door, but declined to speak.  

Pointer is scheduled to make his first court appearance Tuesday morning. His bail is set at $270,000.

Amber Lee is a reporter with KTVU. Email Amber at Amber.Lee@Fox.com or text/leave message at 510-599-3922. Follow her on Facebook @AmberKTVU, Instagram @AmberKTVU or Twitter @AmberKTVU.