SFPD and city leaders continue to debate police reforms, including use-of-force policy

The San Francisco Police Officers Association and several supervisors are reportedly at odds over proposed reforms for the police department.

The San Francisco Police Commission held a special joint meeting Tuesday, with the Board of Supervisors, to reaffirm the city's commitment to completing reforms recommended by the U.S. Justice Department last month.

Mayor Ed Lee had asked federal investigators to look into the police department, in response to community tensions following several high profile officer-involved shootings.

But the Chronicle reports Supervisor Aaron Peskin was concerned about delays in implementing the reforms, because the police union filed a grievance regarding the use-of-force policy.

'It's an important thing here in the city of San Francisco, and an important thing nationwide," said Supervisor Mark Farrell.

"It's also important that we continue to honor those police officers that really put themselves on the line everyday to protect San Francisco residents, and making sure that we do it in the appropriate manner, I think it's a tricky balancing act, but I think it's critically important for our city and critically important for our police department."

The police union has been negotiating with city leaders regarding new regulations.

While the union agrees with most of the reforms, they disagree on the proposal barring officers from shooting at moving cars.

The negotiations are taking place, while San Francisco remains without a permanent police chief.