SFPD officer left with brain trauma, paralyzed leg after shooting

SAN FRANCISCO (KTVU) – Officer Kevin Downs is recovering after being shot and seriously injured last week by a mentally disturbed man.
He was left with trauma to his brain and a currently paralyzed right leg among other injuries, according to a statement released by his family Friday.
Police say Nicholas McWherter opened fire at Officer Downs and his partner as they exited their patrol vehicle.
"This firearm had two empty cases and one live round in the cylinder," says Police Commander Greg McEachern.
"McWherter immediately fired several shots at the vehicle striking Downs in the head. There was no indication of any conversation," said Commander McEachern.
After McWherter escaped into Stern Grove Park, police cornered him. There was an exchange of gunfire. McWherter died two days later in the hospital. Police say Officer Downs was wearing a body camera that captured a part of the incident when he was shot. But police say there is no video of the police shooting McWherter. "The officers were not wearing body worn cameras," says Commander McEachern.
Officer Downs family released a statement Friday saying:
“The Downs Family is so grateful for the overwhelming outpouring of prayer, concern, and support which we have received from both friends and complete strangers. Most poignantly, the sincere devotion, camaraderie and courtesy exhibited by Kevin's fellow officers, along with the leadership of the SFPOA and the SFPD command staff, truly exemplify the best traditions of law enforcement in our city.
We would like to offer a special thanks to Kevin's partner that night, the officers who backed them up on the call, and the paramedics who responded. Your knowledge and quick decisive action provided the immediate treatment Kevin needed.
Thank you to the SFPD officers and those from other police agencies who apprehended the suspect before anyone else could be injured. Your selfless service to our communities and willingness to put yourselves in harm’s way to protect others is a calling. Each of you embodies the words of St. Ignatius, the patron saint of Kevin's high school, "To give and not to count the cost."
Thank you to the amazing trauma team at San Francisco General Hospital. The nurses and doctors have treated Kevin with tremendous skill and compassion. To the 246th academy class members, thank you for walking this journey with Kevin. Each of you are “246 STRONG”. You are an exemplary group of men and women and we as a family can’t thank you enough for lifting Kevin's spirits. You have been the best medicine. We will remain eternally grateful to each and every one of you. Due to the tremendous concern about Kevin’s condition, we want to provide updated details. The shot fractured Kevin's skull and missed a main artery by less than a centimeter. The fracture caused trauma to his brain. This trauma currently leaves Kevin
paralyzed in his right leg. He has regained some use of his right arm. As Kevin's wife Corey said on Sunday, he remains our anchor. Kevin has deep faith in God and is physically strong. Both qualities will be important as he moves through his recovery. Kevin is determined through intense physical therapy and state of the art neurological treatments to walk again and ultimately return to full duty as a San Francisco Police Officer.
Many have offered financial assistance to Kevin. He and Corey are grateful for the support, but would prefer that you read about the work that Ranchin' Vets does to serve veterans, and if you are so inclined, direct your gift there. You can read about the mission of this organization at www.ranchinvets.org."
The police association stated:
“Officer Kevin Downs has been transferred from SFGH to a rehabilitation facility and we are praying for his full recovery. Officer Downs and his family are extremely grateful for the tremendous outpouring of support. The Downs family has asked the POA to forward their statement of appreciation. Please send any get well cards or letters of support for Officer Downs to:
San Francisco Police Officers Association
800 Bryant St. 2nd floor
San Francisco, Ca. 94103
Emails can also be sent to me at marty@sfpoa.org and I will see that they are delivered to Officer Downs.
These cards and emails will be a fantastic sign of encouragement to Officer Downs as he battles back from serious injuries."