Spectator struck by car at San Jose sideshow during raucous weekend
Spectator struck at San Jose sideshow
A spectator wasstruck by a car at a San Jose sideshow. The driver involvedin the crash fled during what was a raucous weekend of illegal sideshows in the South Bay.
OAKLAND, Calif. - One spectator was hit by a car at a crowded sideshow in San Jose over Labor Day weekend.
Dozens of onlookers rushed to that person’s aid.
But the car that hit the spectator quickly sped off. Police had their hands full with sideshows at three different intersections early Sunday morning.
Drone footage captured a person getting hit by a speeding car. While that person lies on the ground, the car bolts. The sideshow happened in Councilman David Cohen’s district.
"In a single night, they will go to multiple locations across the city," said Cohen. "When the police arrive, they’ve decided they are going to move onto a new place."
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Reckless driving was on full display at a weekend sideshow in San Jose at 2:30 a.m. Sunday at Mabury and Lanfest Roads.
Cars were seen doing donuts and passengers were hanging out of windows. Young spectators are seen hitting record on their cell phones.
Neighbors say it is terrible.
"The smoke is coming up and I was like ‘What’s going on?’ I was really scared my husband was trying to get to the patio and I was like ‘No, don’t go,’" said Radhika Chinthalapati of San Jose.
There were similar scenes earlier in the night on Monterey Road and at 10th Street and East Alma Avenue. Other cars and a VTA bus are seen stuck in traffic, forced to sit and watch until police arrive and break it up.
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"My understanding from what I heard was they didn’t arrive quite on time to shut them down and impound cars on the spot," said Cohen. "I do believe they go after the participants after the fact."
San Jose has ordinances that go after sideshow participants and promoters, fining them up to $1,000 and jail time.
Given the weekend’s activity, neighbors said it doesn't seem like the city is making a dent.
"It does feel that way, I’m feeling frustrated just like everyone else is," said Cohen.
Cohen said the city is exploring tracking when shows will happen and where.
Soon, residents could see more yellow barriers at sideshow hotspots making intersections narrower and less appealing. One project is installed at Verona and Yerba Buena Roads.
Residents want to be able to rest easy at night.
"It’s hard," said Chinthalapati. "It’s not going to be a peaceful neighborhood for sure. It’s frustrating."
No update from police on social media on any citations issue or cars impounded over the Labor Day weekend.
Azenith Smith is a reporter for KTVU. Email Azenith at azenith.smith@fox.com and follow her on Twitter and Instagram @AzenithKTVU or Facebook or ktvu.com.