Stockton mom gives birth to twins 2 hours after surviving deadly bus crash

A Stockton woman gave birth to twins just two hours after surviving a horrifying bus crash in New Mexico.

Christy Westerdale and her twins' father Joseph Chandler were traveling home to Stockton from Oklahoma, but after the crash, their plans are on hold. Injuries from the crashed forced Westerdale to give birth to her twins two months early.

They’re in the hospital, praying for a speedy recovery.

"I just thank God that my babies are OK," Westerdale said. "I just can't believe they're so strong through it all and everything."

Chandler was knocked out in the crash, but regained consciousness moments later.

"I got my whole family off the bus and it’s a miracle. I cannot believe it. Everybody that was sitting in front of my family is dead," he told FOX40 over the phone.

Eight people were killed when a semi-trailer went across a median smashing into the Greyhound bus Thursday afternoon along Interstate 40 in New Mexico.

"It was kind of like being in an apocalyptic movie. It was like the world was ending. It wasn’t just happening to me," Chandler said.

He rushed his daughter off the bus and went back to carry his pregnant partner.

"I thought she was dead and I was gonna get her body off the bus when she woke up in my arms," Chandler told FOX40. "I was like, ‘Oh my God! Come on baby, we’re going to be OK, we’re going to get off this bus."

Westerdale has a broken leg, a shattered knee and a separated pelvis, but with physical therapy, she’s expected to be OK.

The twins were born two months early and will have to stay at the hospital in New Mexico for several months before the family can return to Stockton.

"We’re so far away from home and we have nothing. I have no car, no housing and we’re going to be here for a while," Chandler said.

The couple started a GoFundMe to pay for living expenses for the next few months.

But despite the pain and trauma, they are optimistic.

"I’m hopeful to recover and see my babies recover," Westerdale said. "Get through this all and put it behind us."