Supervisors looking into San Francisco Unified hiring mishap

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is looking into a hiring mishap at the school district.

The San Francisco Unified School District is scrambling to hire dozens of special education teachers who were legally required to be in classrooms at the start of the school year.

Supt. Matt Wayne said budgeting processes broke down, and the district failed to reconcile $20 million in new funds in its budget for special education.

"By the time that happened, it resulted in approving an increase," Wayne said Wednesday at a supervisors' meeting. "But after candidates had already been lined up, after the school had started,  that's why I do say this is not acceptable."

Wayne says that the funding has now been allocated, and the district is hiring for the positions.

He pledged that new human resources, financial and payroll systems would help keep this kind of lapse from happening again.