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LOS ANGELES, CA - Science has found that, mathematically, nice guys actually finish first. A paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explains how being altruistic, as opposed to just looking out for number one, is better for survival- and the ultimate survival of a species. The Princeton mathematicians came up with their proof while studying yeast fungus, but say that the same principles apply to humans.
The ability to work together and contribute to the community is an evolutionary advantage. Being a selfish person might be the most immediate way to come out on top, but in the long run if everyone is selfish, the community would crumble. Having more generous people ensures a group's success.
On top of that, it turns out that “being giving” is also connected to “being lucky in love.” Two different studies just published in the British Journal of Psychology show that people who donate to charity are much more successful "in the bedroom." Researchers don't know if it's because an active love life makes people happier and more generous, or if generous people are just more attractive. Either way, we're glad those genes are getting passed on to future generations. Looks like it’s going to help ensure the future of our species.