Upgraded Shoreline Park reopens in San Francisco

Shoreview Park in San Francisco's Bayview-Hunters Point reopened this morning after a major renovation of the often underutilized recreation facility. 

The Recreation and Park Department spent a whopping $3.3 million to turn this once small, forlorn park into what it calls a family-friendly oasis with an adventure playground. 

"We are actually putting our dollars, we're putting our resources, we're putting our energy and our time where our mouths are," said Shamann Walton, who represents the neighborhood on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

It comes complete with a state-of-the-art climbing apparatus, benches, barbecues, exercisers and classes about nature and the environment. 

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"San Francisco represents the densest neighborhoods west of New York City and we have the least amount of open space," said Assemblyman David Chiu (D), of San Francisco.

It's a far better site than what the children had to put up with before. 

"Kids were finding a lot of pleasures out of playing in the dumpsters because there wasn't anything in the community that they could do. There was nothing in the community that provided what was fun for children," said Belinda Rawlins, a Tenants Association park advocate.

The city park department says this is the only sky bridge in any park in California.

"This is what we need. We need more spaces to make kids to feel like they're free because I feel like we live in a city that's so compact nowadays," said Hunters Point mom Anna Barahona. 

Parents were ecstatic.

"You know, it gives them hope and it gives them ambition and I think it's important that if they can see that this happened, that they can do anything," said Ajeenah McDonald.

 "We need to see something so we can get comfortable for our  younger generation," said great grandmother Maime Bagby. 

The review was positive from the younger generation as well. 

"It's a very good playground and I like it and they did a very good job on it," said Jordan. 

"It's really fun. I like how they designed it. That slide goes about 500 miles an hour," said Jordan's pal Zaire.
