Vandalism spree in American Canyon leaves vehicles damaged
Who is busting up cars in American Canyon?
Someone is busting up cars and windows in American Canyon. Debora Villalon reports
AMERICAN CANYON, Calif. - A one-night vandalism spree in American Canyon left more than a dozen cars damaged, and police are hoping home security video leads to whoever is responsible.
The damage was widespread, among a dozen streets, many of them on the city's west side.
"It's not fair, somebody needs to pay for this," said Reina Monge, whose new Ford Transit van had a side window shattered. It was parked on the street outside her home when vandals roamed the neighborhood, sometime after midnight Wednesday.
"I don't know if they're children or who would do this but it's costly for us to replace it and seems so inconsiderate," said Monge's daughter-in-law Arleene Correa.
Police have taken 13 reports so far: vehicles, trailers and RV's, some hit with spray paint and others with windows shattered.
Police believe the suspect stopped to bash out some windows, and shot others out with a pellet gun.
"I let my insurance company know, and I've got an appointment on Saturday to get the glass replaced," said victim Ryan Andel, whose Dodge pickup truck suffered a shattered window. "They didn't steal anything or go inside the truck so I was wondering why they even did it."
His household has home security cameras in front, but the vandal wasn't in view.
"It's just a deviant, these kids are running around," said Andel's aunt, Vickie Zupo. "It makes you pretty angry to think this is happening because it's a lot of money."
Investigators believe the actual numbers of victims will grow as more people discover damage.
"People work hard for their cars and possessions," said American Canyon Police Chief Oscar Ortiz, "so to come out for another day of work and find your car vandalized, it's very upsetting."
Past serial vandals have been apprehended in American Canyon by mining home security video, and zeroing in on suspects.
"We have no images yet, but we've had success with this before," said Ortiz, "and this community will not hesitate to call us if they see something."
With victims scattered on so many streets, neighborhood groups are spreading the word, and some residents are moving vehicles into garages when possible, or at least onto driveways as a safeguard.
"There's even money in the car door that wasn't touched," said one victim, surveying the gaping hole where his car window used to be.
He declined to give his name, but expressed disgust with the pointless destruction of property.
"I think it's terrible, probably irresponsible kids who have nothing of their own and don't know what it is to own something."
Residents hope the vandalism was an isolated incident, and won't be repeated.
"We work so hard to have these things," said Monge, alongside her bashed-in van. "This is our family vehicle and they did this to us. It's frustrating."
Anyone with information or surveillance video to share should call American Canyon Police non-emergency dispatch at (707) 253-4451.