Video released of officer shooting, injuring suspect in North Beach

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San Francisco police held a town hall meeting Thursday for a police shooting that injured a suspect in San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood last Saturday night. 

Police said the suspect, 28-year-old Oliver Barcenas ran from officers who had stopped him and a group of other men about having open alcohol containers on Grant Avenue near Vallejo Street. 

Police say as he was running, Barcenas took off his jacket and pulled out a 45 caliber Glock with an extended magazine and laser sight. 

According to police, one officer shot Barcenas in the back twice and he fell on the ground. 

The video shows Barcenas running away from officers and getting shot. He is still in the hospital recovering. 

The video shows a crowd gathering around what appears to be a chaotic scene. After the officer opens fire on the sidewalk and the suspect goes down, one officer can be heard repeatedly shouting, "Call a 408!" Another officer at the scene says, "I can't my radio broke!" after the first officer's repeated requests. %INLINE%  

The officer who fired the shots radios for a medic. %INLINE%

That's when a crowd gathers, many bystanders start to take video of the altercation with their phones as police say to back up. One person even appears to stop taking video momentarily to check the shooting victim's pulse. Another man in a gray hooded sweatshirt swats at police as others yell expletives at them.  

A number of officers back the crowd of people up. The officer who fired shots is calmed by another officer who arrived at the scene and starts gathering information. 

"He had a firearm. I don't know where it is," the officer who shot explains to the other officer. "We need to find that gun!" He continues to say, "Yeah, like a Tec-9. There's a gun somewhere here." 

SFPD have obtained additional video of the incident from two nearby businesses. Police have interviewed multiple witnesses and both the involved officer and his partner have been interviewed as well.  

The names of the officers involved will be released "consistent with SFPD policy" police said. 

This is the second time Barcenas has been shot by police. Back in 2012, current assistant Police Chief Toney Chaplin, wounded him after Barcenas allegedly pulled an assault pistol on officers.

The Police Officers Union says Barcenas is a known gang member and never should have been released after that first incident.  

There are multiple units, including the District Attorney's office involved in the investigation. 

WARNING: Video contains graphic violence 

OIS Case # 180427269 - BWC Footage of Officer #1 from San Francisco Police on Vimeo.