Young citizen paying it forward to Oakland community

AJ Jackson, an 8-year-old from Oakland loves giving to the homeless community. A couple months ago, AJ and his mother, Tamara started a movement called "AJ's Blessed Bags". 

His original idea was plastic bags with basic necessities; three snacks (for breakfast, lunch and dinner), deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste. According to Tamara, AJ also includes food for homeless dogs in his "Blessed Bags" because of his extreme love for dogs.  

Tamara noticed AJ's desire to help the homeless  when he was six, he would constantly ask when they were driving past tent communities or homeless people with signs, "can we please give them something?" Tamara explained that it started off with a wallet containing loose change in the car, stopping to hand out a couple dollars when AJ spotted someone on the street. 

A couple months ago, Tamara decided to put the story of "AJ's Blessed Bags" on Facebook with a link to a GoFundMe account. AJ's goal of just $100 has been surpassed, rising to nearly $1000. Both, AJ and Tamara are excited about the movement's growth and helping a good cause. 

With the help from donations AJ was able to gather cinch backpacks with even more goods inside. On Saturday, June 10th, AJ and Tamara will be heading down to Old Man's Park in downtown Oakland with 50 of "AJ's Blessed Bags".

If you are interested in donating towards "AJ's Blessed Bags" movement, click the link  here