'Zoombombers' disrupt SFUSD committee meeting with racial slurs, porn

San Francisco Board of Education President Gabriela Lopez on Thursday denounced an attack by a hacker made during a San Francisco Unified School District committee meeting.

The 'Zoombomb' attack happened on Wednesday evening during the Equity Audit and Action Committee meeting, which was open to the public and held virtually on Zoom.

During the meeting, an unknown user reportedly attacked committee members and participants with racial slurs and images of pornography, SFUSD officials confirmed.

In a statement, Lopez called the incident an example of "the hate we are combating" within the district.

"We cannot be okay with racist slurs and pornographic images being shown during any meeting, especially one that is formed to combat this for the betterment of our students. For all of the people who were present who had to witness this and endured further harm, I am sorry," she said.

"This committee has been attacked since its inception, down to the applications sent in. But this will not stop the crucial work that will occur and the inclusive, clear process we have built throughout," she said. "We will be sure to include increased protections and make certain our work is not derailed."

The committee was recently created as a way to further the district's goals around equity and access and as part of the school board's controversial decision earlier this year to change the admissions process at Lowell High School from a grade point average-based system to a lottery system.

The change, which recently went into effect for the current school year, was made in response to racism being reported at the school.

Lopez, as well as school board vice president Faauuga Moliga and commissioner Alison Collins, are in the midst of a recall election. The special election is set to take place on Feb. 15, 2022, San Francisco Department of Elections officials announced two weeks ago.