Should Oprah run?

The chorus of calls is growing on social media for Oprah Winfrey to run for U.S. president in 2020 after she gave a stirring acceptance speech at the Golden Globe Awards last night. But the question is should she run? Would she win? And what does it say about U.S. politics if another media mogul were to enter high-profile politics.

Special prosecutor abruptly named to probe Trump-Russia ties

The Justice Department abruptly appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller Wednesday night as a special counsel to lead a federal investigation into allegations that Donald Trump's campaign collaborated with Russia to sway the 2016 election that put him in the White House. Mueller will have sweeping powers and the authority to prosecute any crimes he uncovers.

2 weeks in to presidency, Trump supporters say how he's doing

It's been 14 days since President Trump's inauguration and by all accounts it's been a whirlwind of executive orders, Cabinet picks and almost constant controversy. We spoke with supporters of the president on the eve of the inauguration and followed up on how they think he's doing so far.

New Congress begins work

Both chambers of Congress will be controlled by Republicans along with the White House. San Francisco Chronicle political analyst Joe Garofoli talks about what that means.

RNC Blog: Convention Day 2

KTVU Assistant News Director Amber Eikel reports from behind the scenes from the Republican National Convention.