Oakland police have not yet released tear gas report and thousands of other public requests

Lawyers suing Oakland and other cities that lag behind releasing public records say this is a troubling pattern. Police departments are among the most powerful branches of government, they say, and what they do should not be kept hidden. For his part, newly sworn-in Oakland Police Chief Leronne Armstrong is vowing a new era of transparency. 

State files motion to stop Chauvin trial from proceeding

The prosecution in the Derek Chauvin trial in the death of George Floyd filed a motion with the Minnesota Court of Appeals on Monday to stop the trial from proceeding until the district court regains full jurisdiction over the case.

New policy dictates San Diego police response to protests

Some San Diego protesters decried the way police responded to the demonstrations — at times in tactical gear and large numbers, and with force. Meanwhile, San Diego police described some of the protesters as unruly, saying some threw rocks and bottles at officers on the front lines.