California Republicans clash in 1st debate in Newsom recall

Republican candidates have depicted Gov. Newsom as an incompetent fop whose bungled leadership inflicted unnecessary financial pain during the pandemic. Democrats have sought to frame the contest as driven by far-right extremists and supporters of former President Donald Trump.

SF elections chief prepares for quickly approaching recall vote

John Arntz is the director of elections for the county and city of San Francisco. Once the Lieutenant Governor set the date for the gubernatorial recall election, Arntz and other election chiefs statewide began staffing up and doing the work they usually have more than a year to do—in just weeks.

California recall candidates dispute portions of official list

The official list of who's running in California's recall election of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom remained unsettled Sunday, with talk radio host Larry Elder maintaining he should be included and state officials giving no details as to why he wasn't.

Newsom to face recall election on Sept. 14

California has scheduled a Sept. 14 recall election that could oust Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom from office. The date was set after election officials certified that enough valid petition signatures had been turned in to qualify the election for the ballot.

Timing of Newsom recall election still in flux

It's near certain Newsom will face a special election this year, but the question now, is when? Many analysts have estimated a November election, but now an earlier timeline is being floated.