National Guard on stand by | West Coast Wrap

Election officials and law enforcement across the West Coast are preparing to count the votes on Tuesday's Election Day. We'll look at how authorities are safeguarding the process and why one state in the West has the National Guard on stand-by ahead of Election Day.

Thieves steal computers from Oakland Boys & Girls Club

The staff at the Boys and Girls Club located on International Boulevard said the kids already have a laundry list of obstacles. For many of them, the tech lab is their only access to a computer outside of school, and this break-in hurts the non-profit’s ability to serve East Oakland youth.

Talk of the Town: 12 Days of Christmas

On this episode of Talk of the Town, Dave Clark sits down with members of an Oakland organization called ’12 Days of Christmas’, which helps children and families in need. They’ve got a fundraiser in December to help bring happiness to families for the holidays. Guests include: Malaika Bobino, 12 Days Oakland Corporate Sponsorship chair, Nicole Ennix, 12 Days Oakland Christmas president and Roma Groves-Waters, principal of Martin Luther King Elementary School. You can get more information on their social media, @12daysoak. For more:

November is lung cancer awareness month

Dr. Jeffrey Velotta, Thoracic surgeon at Kaiser Permanente, and Lisa Durham , a lung cancer survivor, joins KTVU's Jana Katsuyama to discuss the new steps that are being taken to treat and prevent lung cancer.