Abuse-clouded Dublin prison gets attention, but will things change?

“It’s horrible. It’s absolutely horrible," said Thahesha Jusino, FCI Dublin's newly installed warden. I’ve never experienced anything like this. In my career, I’ve never been part of a situation like this. This is really unprecedented.”

Dublin prison has lax security camera oversight despite sex abuse charges

Despite a formal request five years ago to install 52 additional security cameras at the federal prison in Dublin, an aide from U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier said there were "numerous locations" inside the all-women's facility that still did not appear to have the visual oversight, KTVU has learned. 

U.S. Congressional team tours Dublin prison after sex scandal widens

A trio of Congressional leaders on Monday toured a federal Dublin prison embroiled in a national scandal after four correctional officers – including the former warden – were charged with sex crimes and one of the formerly incarcerated women is now alleging that one of guards preyed on her by digging into her confidential files, too.

'Cultural rot:' U.S. Congressional team tours Dublin prison after sex scandal widens

A trio of Congressional leaders on Monday toured a federal Dublin prison embroiled in a national scandal after four correctional officers – including the former warden – were charged with sex crimes and one of the formerly incarcerated women is now alleging that one of guards preyed on her by digging into her confidential files, too.

House Dems demand to see investigation into rapes at Dublin women's prison

The federal Bureau of Prisons has yet to release an audit that examines reports of sexual assault at a federal women’s prison in Dublin where inmates say they’ve been subjected to rampant sexual abuse that has led to the arrests of four employees, including the former warden.

Women’s prison in Dublin fostered culture of abuse

An Associated Press investigation has found a permissive and toxic culture at the Dublin prison lockup, enabling years of sexual misconduct by predatory employees and cover-ups that have largely kept the abuse out of the public eye.