Bay Area bridges due for collapse risk assessment in the event of ship strike: NTSB report
A new marine investigation report by the National Transportation Safety Board on safeguarding bridges from vessel strikes came out on Thursday.
Golden Gate Bridge's suicide net appears to be working
The Golden Gate Bridge suicide net appears to be working and is doing what it's intended to do – reduce the number of deaths at the bridge.
Driver crashes into toll booth on Golden Gate Bridge
A driver crashed into a toll booth on the Golden Gate Bridge on Wednesday afternoon.
Group swims from Golden Gate Bridge to Alcatraz to call for protection of Sáttítla
Ahead of Indigenous Peoples' Day, a small group of swimmers swam the 3 miles from the Golden Gate Bridge to Alcatraz to raise awareness about a piece of cultural land they want to see protected: Sáttítla.
Golden Gate Bridge protesters turn themselves in, 8 face felony charges
More than 150 people gathered outside the San Francisco jail on Monday morning for a rally to support people facing charges for a protest on the Golden Gate Bridge back in April.
Arrest warrants filed against protestors who blocked Golden Gate Bridge in April
Protesters against the war in Gaza who blocked traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge in April are facing false imprisonment and other charges, San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said on Saturday.
Golden Gate Bridge suicide prevention net already showing signs of working
A lifesaving addition to one of the Bay Area's most recognized landmarks is now complete. On Monday, supporters of the safety net on the Golden Gate Bridge marked an important milestone.
World's first hydrogen, pollution-free ferry now sailing SF Bay
The world’s first commercial passenger ferry powered by 100% hydrogen fuel, was launched Friday at the San Francisco Ferry Building. The Sea Change was publicly launched today at the San Francisco Ferry Building.
Golden Gate Bridge tolls, ferry and bus fares to increase on Monday
Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge will cost 50 cents more for all drivers beginning on July 1.
Sausalito ferry terminal remains closed after structural issue found
A reopening date for the Sausalito pier still has not been determined after a structural issue was discovered during a routine inspection last week.
SF district attorney expects Golden Gate Bridge protesters to be charged
San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins says she expects charges to be filed in the next couple of weeks against the protesters who blocked the Golden Gate Bridge this week.
Golden Gate Bridge protest suspects to be released from jail by San Francisco's D.A.
Protesters at San Francisco County Jail are calling for the release of those arrested on the Golden Gate Bridge yesterday and now the district attorney says that will happen.
Sleeping dragon technique revealed: Bay Area protesters try to block arrests
The California Highway Patrol released video of how they worked to remove protesters from blocking highways and bridges on Monday – several of the protesters stuck their hands into pipes, secured by concrete in barrel drums to stymy officers from removing them.
'Free Palestine' protesters block part of I-880 in Oakland, Golden Gate Bridge
‘Free Palestine’ protesters on Monday blocked several sections of freeway around the Bay Area, including a section of I-880 in Oakland and the Golden Gate Bridge right at the peak of the morning commute.
Golden Gate Bridge toll increase program approved
The Golden Gate Bridge toll will increase 50 cents per year for the next five years, district officials announced.
Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge could soon cost more
Commuters crossing one of the Bay Area's most iconic landmarks may soon find themselves digging deeper into their pockets.
Lawmaker wants to ensure California bridges stay toll-free for pedestrians, cyclists
A Bay Area lawmaker is proposing a new bill aimed at ensuring that bridges throughout the state remain toll-free for pedestrians and cyclists.
Golden Gate Bridge protest shut down quickly by CHP
The California Highway Patrol quickly ended a protest on the Golden Gate Bridge on Wednesday morning, almost three months after a massive pro-Palestinian rally shut down the Bay Bridge when President Biden was in town.
2 people rescued after boat takes water near Golden Gate Bridge
Two adults were rescued Sunday night when their boat began to take water near the Golden Gate Bridge, the San Francisco Fire Department said.
Golden Gate Bridge suicide barrier completed
A system of nets beneath the Golden Gate Bridge to deter people from jumping to their death is now complete.