Community comes together to support victims of San Jose VTA shooting

Community members are continuing to come together to support the families and loved ones of the victims who were killed in a mass shooting Wednesday morning in San Jose.

The Sikh Temple held a gathering to remember and pray for the victims. Elected officials, loved ones and dozens of community members attended.

"This was a very, very sad day for all communities, not just for our community but for everyone and I pray to God that it doesn’t happen again,"  Kirpal Atwal, Sikh Gurdwara San Jose Board of Directors said.

The pain the families are feeling is still raw.

"I really couldn’t fathom the fact that my brother would be gone, I knew him as fast, he’s strong. I thought he would be the first one out," Karman Singh said. Singh is Tapetejdeep Singh's brother, one of the nine men killed Wednesday.

VTA survivors say Tapetejdeep Singh risked his life to save others.

"My heart aches even more every time I think about the other eight families as well, who they have lost what they must be feeling," says Singh. "When the community suffers, we suffer."

At San Jose City Hall, community members poured out in support of the families of the nine men.

"We hate to see anything like this happen but it’s a chance for us to show what we’re about and show love to those who are hurting," said Joshua Dona of San Jose.

Flowers, cards, and candles continue to grow at the memorial as the community comes together.

"When times are dark it’s really important to shine brighter to really show those who are suffering that they’re not alone, that the community cares for them, that while they’re mourning, we’re mourning with them," said Nicole Dona of the Bay Area Christian Church.

"We want to rise up as a community and really shower them with love during this really difficult time," says Dona. 

The church is gathering donated items to give to the families of the victims. They are looking for anything that can bring comfort to families, including books and recovery resources. They will assemble care packages on June 5 at the Common Ground building in Sunnyvale from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

VTAMass ShootingsNewsSan Jose