Delivery driver arrested after home surveillance video catches burglary in Novato
Officers searching the area found a suspect identified as Maurice Kimball, 27, of Brentwood, who told them he was a delivery driver. Photo: Novato Police.
NOVATO, Calif. (BCN) - A delivery driver was arrested and stolen belongings worth about $10,000 were recovered Friday by Novato police, who were tipped off by a resident with a home surveillance system.
The resident notified police at 12:45 p.m. after the system detected motion in the home and showed an unknown man inside.
The resident provided a description of the subject and a vehicle in the driveway.
Officers searching the area found a suspect identified as Maurice Kimball, 27, of Brentwood, who told them he was a delivery driver.
After what police said was a thorough investigation, Kimball was arrested for felony residential burglary.
The items taken in the burglary have since been recovered, police said.
Police credit the resident's quick response in notifying them for the outcome of the case and encourage residents with similar surveillance systems to register them with the Novato Police Department.