Despite travel warnings, many are flying this Thanksgiving holiday

Despite travel warnings, many are flying this Thanksgiving holiday.

Travel numbers are up at Bay Area airports – but still nothing like what we saw in years past.

SFO expects to see about 20,000 travelers per day this holiday a week. In the past, SFO would have 80,000 Thanksgiving travelers in one day. The Oakland International Airport expects about 100,000 travelers during Thanksgiving week. Mineta San Jose is only expecting a quarter of usual travelers.

The CDC is urging people to postpone travel – saying staying at home this Thanksgiving is the best way to stay safe.

Traveling may increase your chance of getting COVID-19 and spreading it.

Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to remind people who do fl to quarantine when they return.

"We're reminding folks when they come back into the state the importance of doing exactly what I'm doing as it relates to quarantining and making sure you get tested," he said earlier this week. 

People who do decide to fly will find coronavirus protocols in place.

 (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

This includes socially-distanced check-in lines with clear barriers at the counter; newly installed hand sanitizer stands and extra cleaning staff.

At the San Antonio International Airport in Texas, a robot is used to clean high traffic areas.

"We have our cleaning crews that are out and they're hand sanitizing everything, so, they pay special attention to those high-touch areas," said a worker there. 

And a passenger added: "I would be much more reluctant to do a long flight, but with this, you know, we're not taking our masks off. We're not drinking. We're not eating."

At San Francisco International Airport, masks must be worn at all times.

And you can now carry a 12-ounce bottle of hand sanitizer on your flight.

Sunday is expected to be the busiest day with many people on return flights home.
