Elderly couple, dog missing from California nudist ranch

Olive Dell Ranch. 

An elderly couple and their dog, Cuddles, have been missing from their home, which doubles as a nudist ranch, since the weekend, according to the Redlands Police Department in San Bernardino County.

Police posted photos of Daniel and Stephanie Menard, ages 79 and 73 respectively, saying they were reported missing on Sunday by a friend. 

Daniel and Stephanie Menard, and their dog, Cuddles. Photo: Redlands police

Daniel Menard. Photo: Redlands police

Stephanie Menard. Photo: Redlands police. 

The couple was last seen at their residence in the 26000 block of Keissel Road in Colton, at approximately 10 a.m. Aug. 24. 

That address is also the Olive Dell Ranch RV Park, where Google maps shows the entrance welcoming visitors with signs that read "Get Naked. Be Happy." 

According to police, the Menards' unlocked vehicle was located down the road from their residence the same day. 

Stephanie Menard’s purse was found inside her home along with her and her husband's cell phones, police said. 

Their dog, a small white shih tzu named Cuddles, is also missing, police said.

Daniel Menard also suffers from dementia and is diabetic.

Loved ones told Fox 11 that they are active in their church and community. 

Friends of the couple say they were involved in some type of lawsuit against the nudist ranch, where they lived for decades.

They had also recently complained that they were being harassed by someone about that lawsuit. 

Anyone who knows where the couple is should call the Redlands Police Department at (909) 798-7681 or Detective Thomas Williams at twilliams@redlandspolice.org Please reference case number: 240032075