Elizabeth Holmes trial: live updates as another juror gets dismissed

Another juror has been sent home from the federal fraud trial of former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes.

Juror No. 5 was dismissed and replaced by the third alternate after a conference in chambers between Judge Edward Davila and attorneys for the government and defense.

Davila did not reveal the reason for dismissing the juror — the third member of the panel to be released since the trial began. 

Follow below for live updates about the trial from KTVU's Evan Sernoffsky who is reporting from a federal court in San Jose. (Mobile users click here to follow the blog if it does not display below.)

A previous juror was dismissed on October 6, citing her Buddhist religious beliefs as the reason she could not continue.

There are two remaining alternates. If the court exhausts all of the alternates and there are not enough jurors to fill the 12-member panel, the court will be forced to declare a mistrial.

Following the morning shakeup, the prosecution called former Pfizer scientist, Shane Weber.