Evacuated San Jose residents allowed to return home after gas leak

Fire officials said Friday that all residents who were forced from their homes over a gas leak are now allowed to return.

The San Jose Fire Department said the incident is nearly resolved and just a small number of residents remain with gas service.

On Wednesday morning firefighters were called to the intersection of Race Street and Park Avenue after construction crews in the area ruptured an 8-inch steel natural gas line. Pacific Gas & Electric said the construction workers had used a boring machine in the area, designated for hand tools, and severed the gas line.

PG&E said Lightwave workers had used a boring machine in an area designated for hand tools, severing the underground gas line.

Hundreds of residents were forced from their homes for well over 24 hours.

By Thursday evening, the electric company had capped all the splinter lines. Shortly after, most residents were given the go-ahead to return home. 

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