Former teen counselor accused of sex offenses with minors

A former teen counselor for the Scotts Valley Boys and Girls Club was arrested for alleged sexual offenses with minors in an undercover operation, Scotts Valley police said Saturday.   

Ciriaco Johnson, 24, of Santa Cruz County was accused of contacting a minor with intent to commit a sexual offense, human trafficking and annoying or molesting a victim under 18, police said.   

Johnson served as a teen counselor for the Boys and Girls Club from 2019 to 2023, police said.   

After leaving the club, he stayed in contact with several teens he had counseled, offering money for sexual acts and images.   

A parent who noticed inappropriate messages on their child's cell phone notified police and set up an undercover chat operation over social media.   

Johnson was taken into custody Thursday when he drove to Scotts Valley to meet a female minor he believed he'd been chatting with, police said.   

Anyone with information about this case is asked to contact the Scotts Valley Police Department at (831) 440-5670 or Detective Sgt. Pascale Drozek at