2 window washers stuck 10 stories up Millennium Tower rescued

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2 window washers who became stuck 10 stories up Millennium Tower were rescued by the San Francisco Fire Department on Wednesday. 

SF Fire tweeted video of the window washers who were located at 301 Mission Street between Beale and Fremont streets in the South of Market downtown area. %INLINE%

While the rescue was swift, the fire department said the washers were left hanging for multiple hours. They were told they became stuck as early as 7 a.m. when their rig stopped working. 

SF Fire first tweeted to alert the public to avoid the area at 3:38 p.m. The tweet of the rescue was sent by 3:44 p.m. That's because fire officials said the rescue took them roughly 10 minutes once they arrived at the scene. 

Officials said no one was injured and the washers were successfully rescued from the window washer plate form. 

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