Livermore house goes all in on Beetlejuice theme for Halloween
Livermore house goes all in on Beetlejuice for Halloween
One house in Livermore on Winding Stream Drive is attracting a lot of visitors because of its elaborate decorations.
LIVERMORE, Calif. - One house in Livermore is going all out this Halloween, and all in on the Beetlejuice theme.
The Winding Stream Drive home attracted a lot of visitors the night before the 31st, because neighbors know the street will be packed on Halloween, and the spotlight will be on the corner house.
"It's cool I like it the most, he always does it, if there's a new movie coming out or if it already came out, he always bases it on a new popular movie," said Dylan Garcia of Livermore.
"I love it, it's one of my favorite movies," said Taryn Rankin. "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice."
The man behind the theatrics is John Staton - a retired mechanical engineer from Apple.
"It's kind of a creative endeavor, it's almost like an art project, and then on top of that, you've got the little kids that come through and parents coming through saying ‘thank you,’ it's kind of cool," said Staton.
Some kids were so enthralled, they walked through multiple times.
Others marveled at it from the street.
"We're really excited about being able to walk this street before all the crowd gets here tomorrow, because this street gets crazy busy... like over a thousand people," said Dave Garcia of Livermore.
Staton said he started working on the custom project in early September and it's truly a collaborative community effort.
"My next door neighbor Kevin, he was here every day that he wasn't at work. My neighbor around the corner, Brian, is an excellent craftsman, he's also a fireman, so he's very strong," added Staton.
It's an annual tradition Staton has continued for the last 25 years.
Other houses on the street get into the Halloween spirit. There's a spider-themed house, a pumpkin-themed house, and cat house.
With attractions like a two-story inflatable cat, candy givers are doing their best to prepare for the crowds.
"I have 2,400 pieces this year, just in case. Last year, I went through 2,100 pieces of candy and I was done by about 8:30," said Max Stapenhorst.
"I got probably 20 bags of Costco candy and I have people that are going to be manning the window," said Staton.
Other neighbors and friends have donated some candy to Staton, anticipating all the kids that will show up on Halloween.
Ghosts of Halloween Past: Costumes done KTVU style
A chill is in the air and it's not just the changing weather. Spirits, ghouls and goblins abound as Halloween approaches. Here at KTVU we dug through our personal archives to display the ghosts of Halloween past. Here's some of the costumes we wore on Halloween.