People flock to San Francisco to watch the Blue Angels
People flock to San Francisco to watch the Blue Angels
People traveled from far and wide to catch a glimpse of the Blue Angeles on Saturday.
SAN FRANCISCO - People traveled from far and wide to catch a glimpse of the Blue Angels on Saturday.
The Blue Angels took to the sky at 3:15 p.m., but the Manzo family woke up bright and early to drive from the Central Valley to San Francisco.
They wanted to make sure they got a front-row seat for the show.
Jahalen, 9, was more impressed by the lack of fog and clouds, a normal San Francisco staple.
The sun was shining, people were jumping off boats, swimming in the Bay and even cruising around on jet skis.
The Manzo family stuck around all day to ensure their front-row seats, but they were most excited about the Blue Angels.
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"The adrenaline you get, hearing the roar of the engines and the acrobatic tricks they do is amazing," said Oscar Manzo.
As the FA-18 carved up the skies, everyone in sight had their heads up and eyes on the sky.
Dee, a resident of the East Bay, said her favorite part of the show was seeing everyone bond.
"All the people, everyone has something in common by watching the show you feel a lot of patriotism and respect for the pilots but also the plane itself," Dee said.
However, one thing everyone KTVU spoke to had in common was the hesitancy to actually do what the Blue Angels pilots do.
"I thought about it, I don't think I could hang with those G's," Manzo said. "I don't know I might pass out."
The Blue Angels will preform a final show on Sunday at 3:15 p.m.