Some Bay Area counties partner with schools to vaccinate young people on campus

Some Bay Area county education offices are partnering with schools to vaccinate young people following this week's announcement from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that the agency is expanding emergency use authorization for Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine in the United States for older children ages 12 to 15.

Of course, parents will need to give consent.

"If they're less than 18 years old, if they're a minor, there's another part of the registration process that has to authorize that a parent consents for that vaccine," said Dr. Willis, "For any walk-up option, the parent needs to be present."

Marin County Superintendent of Schools Mary Jane Burke said the district will begin vaccinating students on Friday.

"All the students who want this vaccination between the 12-15 range will have both doses prior to the end of the school year."

Contra Costa County is also partnering with schools.

"They will be in all parts of Contra Costa County at various school sites in gymnasiums," said Lynn Mackey, Superintendent with Contra Costa County's Office of Education, "These will be family community sites, so anybody it's not just students that can come there, their parents can come and get their vaccines also."

It's unclear how many parents will get their children vaccinated.

"We might wait a couple weeks but we're definitely going to get her vaccinated. My 17-year-old is already vaccinated. My husband and myself are too," said Heidi Page, a Benicia parent.

"I really don't care for it. We're fine. So just like the flu shot, every year they ask us for an option. We say no and we're fine. 231 I think everyone else has the right if they want it," said Tina Copeland of Martinez, who said she and her daughter both tested positive for COVID19 and had mild symptoms.

Legal experts say unlike colleges and universities, it's unlikely K-12 students will be required this fall to have COVID-vaccines...

"So, to require covid 19 vaccines you need to have a change in the law and that will take time. It's also not likely the legislature will want to change the law before you have it approved for younger kids," said Dorit Reiss, a U.C. Hastings law professor who specializes in vaccine laws.

The Pfizer vaccine dosage for children 12 and older is the same as adults and had the same side effects, mostly sore arms, and flu-like symptoms after the second dose.

Moderna is also working on a vaccine for children 12 and up that could be ready for FDA emergency use authorization in the coming weeks.

Jana Katsuyama is a reporter for KTVU.  Email Jana at and follow her on Twitter @JanaKTVU or Facebook @NewsJana or

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