Thieves steal Santa decoration from Antioch home

An empty space sits where a Santa decoration once stood. But jolly old Saint Nick is no more.

"Someone stole him," said Katheryne Silva Garcia, 7, of Antioch.

Surveillance video shows a man getting out from the back of a Chevy Impala at about 9 p.m. Saturday and jogging up the family's driveway on G Street. He grabs a life-sized Santa from the front porch and carries it down the driveway while the driver opens up the trunk of the Chevy.

The thief then stuffs Santa into the back. Santa's legs are still hanging out of the trunk as the two drive off. 

When she found out, Katheryne burst into tears. 

"When he was gone, I was crying. I went upstairs to see my dad," she said.

Her dad, Paul Silva said, "I never thought somebody would steal Santa… She was crying all night," he said, pointing to his daughter, "and she was afraid," referring to his wife Maria Garcia.

"I would understand getting like, stealing tools to get money to pay something, I don't know, but decorations? It's just another level," Silva said.

His wife said she was experiencing a range of emotions. 

"Sad, but at the same time like scared, like some people (were) close to my door," she said.

Katheryne pointing to the spot where Santa had been. 

"He was standing right here," she said, pointing to her stoop where Santa stood watch for a week before being taken.

"Yeah, I loved it," she said. 

It's clear the family doesn't hold back when it comes to Christmas decorations. There's lights on the roof, up in the trees, candy canes in the front yard and another Santa on the chimney, plus inflatables out front.

Santa's swiping has shattered their sense of security.

"They were pretty afraid. We were actually thinking of getting a dog or getting more lighting out here," Silva said.

Katheryne has this simple message for the two who took her beloved Santa: "Bring it back."

Henry Lee is a KTVU crime reporter. E-mail Henry at and follow him on Twitter @henrykleeKTVU and

Crime and Public SafetyAntiochNews