Which Bay Area cities to raise minimum wage on Jan. 1
Starting Jan. 1 several Bay Area cities are raising the minimum wage to at least $15 an hour.
Those cities include Petaluma, South San Francisco, and San Mateo. Employees in Mountain View and Sunnyvale will start at $16.05.
Most cities already pay employees more than the state requires, but workers and labor advocates say with the high cost of living in the Bay Area, employees need a raise.
On Wednesday, California's minimum wage bumps up to $12 an hour for small companies and $13 an hour for businesses with 26 employees or more.
Minimum Wage in Bay Area cities on January. 1, 2020
Minimum wage rate stays at $13.50 per hour
Minimum wage rate rises to $13 per hour
Minimum wage stays at $15.59 per hour
Minimum wage rises to $15.35 per hour
Daly City
Minimum wage rate goes to $13.75 per hour
El Cerrito
Minimum wage rises to $15.37 per hour
Minimum wage remains at $16.30 per hour
Increases to $12 hour for workers at small businesses with 25 or fewer employees
Minimum wage rate goes to $13 per hour for workers at businesses with 26 or more employees
Increases to $12 hour for workers at small businesses with 25 or fewer employees
Minimum wage rate goes to $13 per hour for workers at businesses with 26 or more employees
Los Altos
Minimum wage rate goes to $15.40 per hour
Menlo Park
Minimum wage rises to $15 per hour
Minimum wage rate remains at $15 per hour
Mountain View
Minimum wage rises to $16.05
Morgan Hill
Rate goes up to $12 per hour for small businesses with 25 or fewer employees
Increase to $13 per hour for businesses with 26 or more workers
Minimum wage rises from $13.80 to $14.14 per hour
Palo Alto
Minimum wage rate goes from $15 to $15.40 per hour
Minimum wage increases to $14 for small business
Rates increases to $15 for large companies
Redwood City
Minimum wage rises to $15.38 per hour
Wage rate stays at $15 per hour
San Francisco
Minimum wage remains at $15.59 per hour
San Jose
Minimum wage rises from $15 to $15.25 per hour
San Leandro
Minimum wage remains at $14 per hour
San Mateo
Minimum wage rises to $15.38 per hour
San Pablo
Increases to $12 per hour for workers at small businesses with 25 or fewer employees
Minimum wage rate goes to $13 per hour businesses with 26 or more workers
San Ramon
Minimum wage increases to $13 per hour
Santa Rosa
Increases to $12 hour for workers at small businesses with 25 or fewer employees
Minimum wage rate goes to $13 per hour for workers at businesses with 26 or more employees
Rises to $12.50 per hour for workers at small businesses with 25 or fewer employees
Goes to $13.50 per hour companies with 26 or more employees
South San Francisco
Minimum wage increases to $15 per hour
Minimum wage increases to $16.05