US agents failed to share questioning of rail yard shooter

A report by customs agents says a gunman who killed nine co-workers at a California rail yard in May harbored "dark thoughts about harming" two specific people after his return to California from a 2016 trip to the Philippines. 

Could the VTA shooting have been prevented?

Could the VTA rail yard mass shooting have been prevented? That's what Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen wants to know. He's demanding access to a 2016 report, outlining an encounter between Customs and Border Protection and the shooter, Sam Cassidy. KTVU's Ann Rubin reports.

Remembering the San Jose VTA shooting victims

The nine victims range in age from 29 to 63. They are all men. Through their careers with VTA, their job titles included bus and light rail operators, mechanics, linemen and an assistant superintendent. One had worked for the agency since 1999.

Investigation into VTA gunman Samuel Cassidy ongoing

Law enforcement officials announced Thursday that Samuel Cassidy, the VTA employee who opened fire and killed nine of his colleagues Wednesday morning, used a timer to set his house on fire at the exact same time he began the shooting. KTVU's Tom Vacar reports on Thursday's developments and the continued investigation at Cassidy's residence.