Nicasio Reservoir in Marin County at below-average levels amid sustained drought

Nicasio Reservoir is located in the Nicasio Valley region of Marin County. As of Wednesday, September 8, 2021, the Marin Municipal Water District says their five reservoirs are currently have 28,982 acre-feet of water in them. Compared to the average for this date, 2021 levels are at 49.90 percent of normal. The district has a total capacity of 58,088 acre-feet.

Phoenix Lake in Marin County has nearly vanished

Water levels at Phoenix Lake, located on the northeastern slope of Mount Tamalpais, are extremely low. As of Wednesday, September 8, 2021, the Marin Municipal Water District says their five reservoirs are currently have 28,982 acre-feet of water in them. Compared to the average for this date, 2021 levels are at 49.90 percent of normal. The district has a total capacity of 58,088 acre-feet.

San Pablo Reservoir water level at 47 percent of capacity

As of Thursday, September 9, 2021 the San Pablo Reservoir in El Sobrante has 17,880 acre feet of water, just 47 percent of full capacity, 37,915. The water level is at 284.21 feet, and at maximum capacity can hold up to 313.68 feet. It serves East Bay Municipal Utility District customers.