The Point After: Meet Malik Mustapha

Fox 2's Point After doesn't leave anything on the field after the 49ers game. In a one-on-one interview with KTVU, Mustapha said that this is just the beginning.

Gov. Newsom and Marshawn Lynch drop 'Politickin' podcasts

NFL superstar Marshawn "Beast Mode" Lynch didn't pull any punches in his first "Politckin'" podcast with California Gov. Gavin Newsom. "Hell 'nah, Gavin, why the f--- you ain’t running for president, bruh?

No, the NFL isn't using facial recognition software to monitor fans

The internet is abuzz over a tweet claiming the Cowboys and NFL were set to use facial recognition on fans. The problem is — that’s not true. The false post gained thousands of shares while te factual post from the NFL’s PR rep only got 24 shares.