Fallen Marine's body escorted by Honor Guard through the Bay Area

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The U.S. Navy Honor Guard will escort the body of a fallen Marine through the was Bay Area on Thursday. Marine Lcpl. Lenin Priego died suddenly on July 30th in his barracks room at the Pentagon where he was stationed. 

The autopsy results have not determined a cause of death, which is believed to be natural causes.

Zurita, who is from Tracy, California, was recently named the Marine of the Quarter because he was considered exemplary in every way.

Born in Mexico, Zurita gained his U.S. citizenship while in the Marines. His brother, who is also a Marine, will be escorting his brother's body back to their home in Tracy.

The USMC Honor Guard was on hand when a Southwest flight carrying Priego's casket landed at San Francisco International Airport on Thursday.  They will escort him south on 101, across 92 to 880 to 580 straight through to Tracy. 

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