Oakland announces new efforts to combat illegal dumping

The City of Oakland announced new efforts to combat illegal dumping and has teamed up with Alameda County to launch an “Adopt-a-Hot Spot” pilot program.

Mayor Libby Schaaf said “Bulky Block Parties” will now be permanent following the recent success of three “Bulky Block Parties” across the city. The free events allowed Oakland residents to dispose of large, unwanted items, including mattresses, couches, tires, and a few kitchen sinks. More than 1,200 residents dropped off 157 tons of waste. Residents can also call to schedule a curbside pickup.

Schaaf said the permanent Bulky Block Party events will start in November, with the exception of December due to the holidays. The events would continue starting in January 2019. People must provide proof of residency. The waste can be dropped off at 7101 Edgewater Drive for free on the last Saturday of every month.

“We have got to keep trying new things until we have solved this plague in our neighborhoods of illegal dumping,” Schaaf said.

Schaaf was joined by Alameda County Supervisor Nate Miley who announced the “Adopt-a-Hot Spot” pilot program. It will focus on two locations in East Oakland with chronic illegal dumping, the intersection of 89th Avenue & G Street and Railroad Avenue. The pilot program will focus on education, eradication, and enforcement with the help of volunteers from Oakland’s Men of Valor Academy.

“We want to canvas the area. We want to talk to the merchants. We want to talk to the folks that are homeless,” Miley said. “If we just clean up and we don’t have enforcement and we don’t have education, we’re just spinning our wheels and we want to stop spinning our wheels.”

Miley also said would like to install cameras in the neighborhood to catch illegal dumpers.

“Do we expect that we’ll eliminate it totally and completely? Maybe not. But clearly we can do a better job and that’s what we’re seeking to do,” he added.

The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office said it will enforce the law against violators, according Spokeswoman Teresa Drenick.

“We will not ever look at a case as too small to bring to court. It is a growing public health crisis in this city and this county,” Drenick said.

Information about curbside Bulky Pickup service is online at www.oaklandrecycles.com/bulky-pickup-services. Homeowners may contact Waste Management directly to schedule a bulky pickup by calling (510) 613-8710.