Political climate getting you down? Try some yoga for stress relief

If you need to get away from the seemingly constant political news and conversations, yoga may be the answer.

Experts say they are seeing more people take up the past time to get away from the current political climate.

A yoga studio is commonly a place people find peace. A heated studio like at True Hot Yoga in Scottsdale offers an even tougher workout. And it turns out, yoga is helping people toughen their minds as well.

"It seems like it's necessary for them in their day to day life to keep balance," said Krissy Sullivan, a yoga instructor.

Sullivan says whatever the motivation that yoga will help ground you.

It also turns out that yoga and meditation coaches nationwide say they are seeing increased enrollment and fewer dropouts from the annual 'New Year's resolution' wave of signups.

The American Psychological Association reports that stress nationwide is on the ride for the first time in 10 years, partly because of the current political climate.

"We carry so much unnecessary stress, so much unnecessary worrying about things that you can't control and you can just let it go here. Leave with a new perspective, a calmer mindset, aware of what you can control and able to let go of what you can't control," said Sullivan.

Sullivan says politics aren't discussed or considered at True Hot.

When she leads a class, her first instruction is often to leave thoughts, worries and concerns at the door. Don't bring them onto your mat. She says that could be why more people are practicing today.

"It is very physical. You get into your body. You move stuff around, you work the muscles, you open up the joints. You get more into your body and it gets you out of your mind," said Sullivan.

The APA reported in May that 26% of workers felt stressed out by political discussions at work, up from 17% in the same survey last September.

"Child's pose is a great go-to pose. It's down on the floor with your knees wide, your forehead down. It's grounding and any type of forward folding where you're folding with your knees, bent over your legs, letting stuff drain out," said Sullivan.

Breath work, according to Sullivan, is key, as are simple poses to leading a simple stress free life.

Experts say an especially increased interest in yoga from men because of the political climate.
