Tesla planning massive Fremont plant expansion

Big news out of Fremont: Tesla has announced plans to double the size of its facility.  This comes as they plan to introduce the new Model 3 next year and boost production from 100-thousand to 500,000 electric cars a year.

The company says expanded production requires an expanded facility. The proposal: adding 4.6 million square feet onto their Fremont plant, essentially doubling in size, then adding as many as 3,100 jobs. This growth would accommodate introduction of the new Model 3 late next year. Fremont's mayor is ecstatic. He says Tesla's growth, is sparking other growth as well. In the area surrounding the Tesla expansion, there are plans for houses, parks, schools and a new BART station. There's also been an influx of new companies cutting ribbons and opening shop.

"We think this shows not just Tesla's committment to Fremont, but also proves to everyone that you can manufacture here in California," says Mayor Bill Harrison of Fremont. He adds, "We're here right now in an innovation district. We're seeing companies expand, we're seeing companies come to Fremont. People want to be around Tesla and they want to be around that innovation."

In a statement, Tesla says this reaffims their committment to California adding quote, "California continues to be the epicenter of Tesla's manufacturing capabilities and we are proud to be the State's largest manufacturing employer."

The proposal will go before the planning commission on Thursday, then to the full city council a few weeks after that for final approval.

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