Video of adopted girl with Down syndrome smiling from ear to ear goes viral

Warning: your heart just might melt during by watching this video.

A baby girl with Down syndrome who was recently adopted has become an internet sensation with her adorable smile. 

The National Down Syndome Adoption Network (NDSAN) posted a video on Oct. 12 of Baby Girl H to their Facebook page smiling while looking at the camera. Since then, the video has racked up over 15 million views.

"New smiles are the best smiles!" the caption read. 

In addition to the millions of views, the adorable video has over 369,000 shares.

NDSAN tells Fox 35 that Baby Girl H was adopted earlier this year. The adoption is not yet finalized, which is why they cannot reveal her name or her new parents names.

NDSAN, based in Cincinnati, Ohio, says their mission "is to ensure that every child with Down syndrome has the opportunity to grow up in a loving family."
