Richmond mayor asks for help solving 'mysterious' sound in city

Richmond Mayor Tom Butt announced Sunday a $500 reward to the person who can clearly identify the source of a mysterious sound haunting the city.

The persistent ‘bass beat’ disturbed the sleep of residents Saturday night and early Sunday, according to the Richmond Standard. People from Point Richmond to El Sobrante to San Pablo desperately sought its source.

They vented their frustrations on Nextdoor and social media about the "incessant bass tone beat that kept them up all night."

"Wasn’t normal music; it was a loop of some sort of electronic dance music (edm)/techno [that] would start and stop a few times, get louder and louder and then stop," said Jay Men on Next Door. "Then it would start all over… Horrible night."

Some thought a music show at the Craneway Pavilion might have been the cause, however, Mayor Butt said the sound continued after the event ended. 

Other online speculations included the possibility of someone driving around the area with a beat box, or perhaps racing at Sears Point. None of those theories panned out, said the mayor. 

Another intriguing theory on Nextdoor was the possibility it was caused by hum of the Golden Gate Bridge. 

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"People were so upset that many were driving around in the early hours of the morning seeking the source," said Mayor Butt.

Anyone with information identifying the source of the mysterious bass beat should contact the Mayor’s Office.